How does radio frequency for skin tightening work?
Radio frequency is a relatively new treatment which offers remarkable body contouring and skin tightening effects. Versatile, pain free and affordable, radio frequency is becoming a popular and non-invasive way to achieve a slimmer, more toned appearance.
What is radio frequency treatment for?
Radio frequency treatment (also known as RF or Body Radio Frequency) can be used to address two primary concerns – loose, sagging, visibly ageing skin and stubborn areas of fat which most commonly form on the thighs, stomach, upper arms and back.
As we age, our skin loses elasticity and structure as well as undergoing more noticeable changes such as uneven texture and fine lines. This is usually due to the natural decline in collagen and elastin, which help to keep skin looking firm, smooth and plump. Over time this can lead to excess or ‘sagging’ skin and loss of overall body tone. Some younger people can also experience loose skin following dramatic weight loss.
Stubborn fat is also a key concern at any age – pockets of fat which won’t budge despite exercise and a good diet. As we get older fat can form and stick around the middle in particular (often known as a ‘spare tyre’ or ‘muffin top’) as well as the on the upper arms and legs. For women, the onset of menopause can also affect our metabolism, our ability to lose weight and how and where we store fat.
Until now it’s been difficult to treat all of these concerns at the same time – and even then, the effectiveness of existing treatments varies. Topical creams to ‘tighten’ and smooth the skin only have a temporary effect, and exercise alone can’t reduce stubborn areas of stored fat in specific places.
How does radio frequency for skin tightening work?
Radio frequency is different because it addresses all of these concerns within just one non-surgical, pain-free treatment. Suitable for both men and women, radio frequency skin tightening treatment uses advanced technology to safely heat the tissues beneath the skin to between 40 and 45 degrees. This triggers the production of collagen and elastin to tighten, rejuvenate and repair the skin – but it also destroys unwanted fat cells resulting in a tighter, more toned appearance.
What happens during a radio frequency treatment?
During treatment we use an advanced radio frequency (RF) machine which uses thermal energy applied directly to the skin in targeted areas to heat the tissues beneath. As a result, collagen and elastin production is triggered and circulation and metabolic activity are improved, rejuvenating the skin and eliminating stubborn fat cells which are then secreted by the lymphatic system.
Treatment lasts under an hour and is completely pain free with no special aftercare advice – so you’re free to go back to work or resume your normal activities immediately after your session.
What are the benefits of radio frequency for skin tightening?
Radio frequency treatment is incredibly versatile – it can be used on the face and body, and is suitable for men and women. Benefits include:
- Toning and contouring
- Firms and tightens sagging akin
- Improves and smooths skin texture
- Sculpts and slims areas with stubborn fat
- Reduces the appearance of cellulite and scarring
- Non-surgical, non-invasive treatment
- Pain-free
- No downtime needed – you can resume most daily activities immediately post-treatment
Is this treatment suitable for everyone?
This treatment is safe and suitable for most people – but as with all treatments, it’s important for us to arrange a consultation with you first to understand your medical history, unique situation and personal objectives. During your consultation we can answer any questions you have and listen to your concerns so that we can suggest a treatment that is right for you and will produce the best possible results in line with your expectations.
How much does radio frequency skin tightening cost?
The cost of radio frequency treatment varies as it depends on which area of the face or body is being treated and the number of sessions required to achieve your desired result. A course is often necessary for best results – we’ll advise how many sessions are needed during your initial consultation.
To learn more about radio frequency treatment at our Macclesfield, Cheshire clinic or to book your free consultation, get in touch.